Aust & NZ Ch Toptaurus Carlena (imp Aust)

"Carla" in Australia and "Lena" in NZ 30 October 1984

Lena didn't come to NZ until 1990, but it was well worth the wait to obtain a bitch of her quality and breeding. In Australia she had already won CC at the inaugural South Australian Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club championship show and had proven to be a very successful show dog and brood bitch for her breeders/owners Ted & Barbara Kirk. 

She gained her NZ title at the age of six and a half years, making her the oldest Stafford bitch to ever become an Australian & NZ Champion. She is also the start of an unprecedented three generations of Australian & NZ Champions, followed by her son and his two daughters Squaw and Cricket.

Lena produced 2 Australian Champions, a NZ Champion and an Australian & NZ Champion. Her legacy lives on in our kennels through her daughter Cushla and grand daughter Squaw.

Pedigree of:

Australian & NZ Ch

Toptaurus Carlena

(imp Aust)

AUST Ch Crossguns Oliver

AUST Ch Crossguns Bill Sykes

Aust Ch Loggerheads Nekron (imp NZ)

NZ Ch Mountain Ash Xmas Ajax (imp UK)

Loggerheads Sal

Vita Vittessa

Aust & NZ Ch Mow Cop Maestro (imp NZ)

Vita Emmie

Aust Ch Pitmoor Vampire

NZ Ch Mountain Ash Xmas Ajax (imp UK)

Mountain Ash Xmas Titan

Becky Sharpe

Pittown Emma Peel

Micanlyn Dusty Rambler

Micanlyn Bomber's Echo

Aust Ch Toptaurus Hatters Sun

Gamester Sundance Kid

Aust Ch Gamester Vagabond

Eng Aust & NZ Ch Buccaneer Shoemaker (imp UK)

Olmoday Ebony Eve

Aust Ch Toptaurus Halloween

Aust & NZ Ch Scythian Figaro

Aust Ch Toptaurus Susannah

Aust Ch Toptaurus Hatters Gold

Toptaurus Theseus

Crossguns Peter Magnus

Aust & NZ Ch Scythian Susanna

Aust Ch Toptaurus Carlotta

Aust Ch Crossguns Oliver

Marabank Endora (IIU NZ)