NZ Ch Warmaster Double Dareya CGC
"Elle" w. 15th April 2003
Elle had an exciting specialist career:
CC and Best in Show: Northern SBT Club, Lesley MacFadyen, Araidh Staffords UK
CC, Reserve Best in Show and Junior in Show: Northern SBT Club, judge Tracey Amos, Verysharp Staffords Australia
Res CC and Junior in Show: The Terrier Club, judge Juanita Crawford, Crossbow Staffords South Africa (Elle was 1 year and 10 days old)
Res CC: Northern SBT Club, judge Tony Moore, Tobarela Staffords, UK (Elle was 7 months & 1 week old)
CC & Best of Breed: Aoraki Kennel Ass'n, judge Sue Lane, Lanvilla Staffords Australia
1st Junior Bitch: Southern Cross SBT Society, judge Bill McKnight, Belnite Staffords UK
1st Intermediate Bitch: Northern SBT Club, judge Colin Powell, Bowtman Staffords UK
1st Open Bitch: Northern SBT Club, judge Rob Drummond, Sparstaff Staffords UK
1st Open Bitch & Open in Show: Southern Cross SBT Society, judge Jamie Mace, Janastaff Staffords UK.
In addition to her show ring successes, Elle has qualified for her "Canine Good Citizen" (CGC); Silver. We believe she was the first Stafford to achieve this award in New Zealand
(China's brother Warmaster Southern Man gained his CGC Silver in 2007)
Elle is DNA tested CLEAR of L2-HGA and Hereditary Juvenile Cataracts.
She is PHPV and Distichiasis unaffected.
Elle is now spayed and living a fantastic retirement home