+--ENG CH Troglodyte
CH Constones Eastaff This'll Do
| +-- Jill Of Prested
+--NZ CH
Weycombe Timothy (imp UK)
| |
+--ENG CH Goldwyns Leading Lad
| - Weycombe Judy
| +-- Red Princess Of Bandits
+--- Loggerheads
Sam Small
| | +--ENG
& IRE CH Head Lad Of Villmar
| |
-NZ CH Milkern Guardsman (imp UK)
| |
| +-- Dickensian Brindle
| +--NZ CH Loggerheads Pied Jenny
| | +--NZ CH Goth Of Bandits (imp UK)
| -NZ CH Loggerheads Luckpenny
| +--NZ CH Moti (imp UK)
Loggerheads Berenice (B)
Loggerheads Belamy (B)
Loggerheads Besom (B)
Loggerheads Belgard (D)
| +-- Stonnards Invictor
| - Mountain Ash Woodhouse
| | +-- Mountain Ash Puddy Pie
| +-- Mountain Ash Xmas Titan
| |
| +--ENG CH Goldwyns Lucky
| |
- Beretun Regina
| | +-- Pride Of The Haven
+---NZ CH Mountain
Ash Xmas Adjuster (imp UK)
| +--ENG CH Dellveth's Pride
| -ENG CH Brinstock Glenagow
| |
+--ENG CH Brinstock Welsh Maid
+-- Becky
| +--ENG CH Constones Cadet
Norstar Lotte
+-- Brinstock Gaiety Girl