Warmaster Total Magic
"Mouse" w. 19th April 2005
Mouse had an exciting show career in the specialist ring...
Best in Show - Southern Cross SBT Society Marion Forrester Memorial show at the Society's 50th Jubilee Show weekend, judge Harry Coble, Surestaff Staffords UK. Mouse was 1 year 10 days old at this show.
Prior to this Mouse won Best Baby Puppy in Show, Southern Cross SBT Society, judge Sarah Hemstock, Jolihem Staffords UK.
Most recently Mouse won Res CC and Best Intermediate in Show, Southern Cross SBT Society, judge Jamie Mace, Janastaff Staffords UK.
Mouse is DNA tested clear of L2-HGA and HC
Mouse is now spayed and living in a fabulous retirement home, and we are thrilled with the progress of her gorgeous daughter Blackshot Itza Kinda Magic, Reserve CC winner at the ACT SBT Club show in 2011