Wyken Sophisticate

"Sophie" 15 May 1980

Sandra's foundation bitch, and a genuine lady. Sophie gained 4 CCs, half the number needed for her championship, before motherhood intervened. She only had two litters, the first producing Jethro's grandsire and the second producing Golda and her sister Ch Warmaster Delilah.

Pedigree of:




Aust & NZ Ch Wellwisher of Wystaff(imp UK)

Eng Ch Rapparee Rotherskye Vow

Eng Ch Rapparee Threapwood Handyman

Eng Ch Rapparee Renegade

Betchgreen Black Lass

Rotherskye Gem

Larujon Leader

Calderbrig Carmen

Eroan Peggy

Eroan Brindle Tornado

Chestonion Atom

Hillstaff's Lucky Gem

Eroan Loopy Lou

Eng Ch Jolihem El Toro

Betchgreen Ban Lass

Wyken Freelancer

Aust & NZ Ch Rusden Squire

Aust & NZ Ch Wellwisher of Wystaff (imp UK)

Eng Ch Rapparee Rotherskye Vow

Eroan Peggy

Loggerheads Garnet

NZ Ch Rapparee Hard Case (imp UK)

NZ Ch Meriden Sea Scollop

NZ Ch Loggerheads Kersty

Aust Ch Loggerheads Geordie

NZ Ch Rapparee Hard Case (imp UK)

NZ Ch Meriden Sea Scollop

Aust & NZ Ch Loggerheads Peri

NZ Ch Mountain Ash Xmas Ajax (imp UK)

Linksbury Prempuan (imp UK)