Breed Mate 4 Generation Pedigree

Pedigree of: Wildtimes Stare If U Dare
NZ CH Diablo Winston Taurus Ngawyni Kingston Staffshaven Billy Jack AUST CH Crossguns Straddles AUST CH Loggerheads Penkridge
AUST CH Crossguns Annie Strong
Borstaff Merry Mary AUST CH Nuklnoz Black Jack
AUST CH Borstaff Brindle Bella
Kingsofold Black Elf Beststaff Allbright Topstaff Tomahawk
Swanky Vindictive Meg
Truguard Glamour Girl Pongerloyds Barker
Uffmbark Belinda
NZ CH Bromden Langkilde Seminole Brave Tiptonian Johnie Ipstones Yucco
Boscabelles Black Cilla
Shikaree Hiedi NZ CH Rapparee Hard Case (imp UK)
Loki's Kandy
Roxoff Bo NZ CH Loggerheads Piccolo NZ CH Mountain Ash Xmas Ajax (imp UK)
NZ CH Loggerheads Fidesta
Roulette Of Longmeade Borstaff Trail Blazer
Loki's Kandy
NZ CH Warmaster Roll Of Honour NZ CH Invictus Of Warmaster Caesar Of Warmaster Brigadier Of Warmaster NZ CH Whacko Of Wystaff
Wyken Sophisticate
NZ CH Warmaster Adventuress NZ CH Wyken Arfa Pint
NZ CH Ipstones Adventuress
NZ CH Warmaster Danae NZ CH Wyken Arfa Pint Wykerne Red Baron
Delilah Of Ruyton
Wyken Sophisticate AUST & NZ CH Wellwisher Of Wystaff (imp UK)
Wyken Freelancer
AUST & NZ CH Toptaurus Carlena (imp Aust) AUST CH Crossguns Oliver AUST CH Crossguns Bill Sykes AUST CH Loggerheads Nekron (imp NZ)
Vita Vittessa
AUST CH Pitmoor Vampire NZ CH Mountain Ash Xmas Ajax (imp UK)
Pittown Emma Peel
AUST CH Toptaurus Hatters Sun Gamester Sundance Kid AUST CH Gamester Vagabond
AUST CH Toptaurus Halloween
AUST CH Toptaurus Hatters Gold Toptaurus Theseus
AUST CH Toptaurus Carlotta

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